Music for the Scripture of Great Wisdom

When one │ with deepest │ wisdom of the heart :
That is beyond disc│riminative thought, ║
The Holy Lord, — great │ Kanzeon Bosatsu, :
Knew that the skandhas five were, — as they are, — in their self-nature — │ void, unstained and pure. ║
O Shariputra, │ form is only pure, :
Pure is all form; there │ is, then, nothing more than this, ║
For what is form is pure — and │ what * is pure is form; :
The same is also true of all sensation, — thought, ac│tivity and consciousness. ║
O Shariputra, │ here all things are pure :
For they are neither │ born nor do they wholly die; ║
They are not stained nor │ yet immaculate; :
In│creasing not, decreasing not. ║
O Shariputra, — in this pure there is no form,— sensation, — thought, — activity or │ consciousness; :
No eye, — ear, — nose, — tongue, — body, — mind; — no form, — no tastes, — sound, — │ colour, touch or objects; ║
Vision none; — no consciousness; — no knowledge and no │ sign of ignorance; :
Until we come to where old age and death have ceased — and so has all ex│tinction of old age and death ║
For here there is no suffering, — nor yet again is there ac│cumulation, :
Nor again annihilation nor an Eightfold Path, — no │ knowledge, no attainment. ║
In the mind of the Bosatsu who is truly one with Wisdom Great the │ obstacles dissolve :
And, — going on beyond this human │ mind he IS Nirvana. ║
All the Buddhas true of present, — past and │ future they ARE all, :
Because upon Great Wisdom they rely, — the perfect │ and most high enlightenment. ║
The Prajnaparamita one should know — to be the Greatest │ Mantra of them all, :
The highest and most peerless Mantra too; — allayer │ of all pain Great Wisdom is, ║
It is the very │ Truth, no falsehood here. :
This is the │ Mantra of Great Wisdom, hear! ║
O Buddha, going, going, │ going on beyond :
And always going on beyond, — always BECOMING │ Buddha. Hail! Hail! Hail! ║